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Oneplus 5 a clone of Iphone 7 inspired by Oppo F3 plus


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It felt heartbroken when I saw that Oneplus, which is a great startup with unique designs every year had made an iPhone clone This year.

Buying a Oneplus product is always value for money with a unique design. We get great specs with a minimum price, its a satisfaction to yourself.

Do you know this month on 22nd of June Oneplus will officially launch oneplus 5 through Amazon. It might be a good news for the one who waited so long for a new Oneplus device, But sorry to break your heart as Oneplus had become copy-cat this year like it’s parent company OPPO. Oneplus is now doing an endorsement, ads which will hike the prices of a device and gonna lose its authenticity and creativity.

Firs,t i thought that Oneplus had copied Iphone 7 plus but later i realized that its a copy of iphone 7 inside oppo f3 plus with a slight change in Camera Design.

Here are some images if you wont believe me.


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Now you surely will realize that are going the same route like oppo.

They are going to get in big trouble in the US by getting lawsuits but in china and India, they will surely get away with the lawsuits because there are no rule in china against copying a product.

What do you think about it.

Are they innovative ? .I dont think so. What about you. “Comment Below”

Take a look at this video this guy predicted this already a long time ago.


Images Credit :- Flipkart


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